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  1. Application View Application Status Boba Fett Submitted 07/13/2024 11:17 AM Name Boba Fett Email ****@**** Timezone America/New_York Country United States Additional Application Fields All Clan Games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Primary Game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III In-Game Name(s) B0BA F3TT#8368390 Discord ID b0ba_f3tt Geographical Location Cleveland, Ohio Age 42 Where did you hear about Unknown Soldiers? Weezey Have you served or are you currently in the military? Navy E-4 Why do you want to join =US=? to play with like minded peeps Can you attend our weekly meetings? Yes Do you have a working microphone? Yes Can you attend clan practices and boot camps, follow the chain of command and actively participate on the forums and Discord? Yes Star Citizen Practice N/A - Not applying for this game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III I can sometimes attend Gray Zone Practice N/A - Not applying for this game
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